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If I had a pound for every client who told me their skin is too sensitive for a chemical peel I would be a millionaire by now so with it being Rosacea awareness month I wanted to explain some truths about sensitive skin, rosacea and chemical peels combined.

In this country and the further north we go many people suffer with rosacea, skin redness and sensitivity. It is more common then you may think, however many people do not know why this can happen, what they can do to help it and who to ask for help. Rosacea is undoubtly a really hard condition to treat and in really severe cases it is recommended to see a specialist dermatologist to help. In other cases it could be a case of taking simple steps, increasing your knowledge about skin and learning more of what you can do at home.

  • Why do we get sensitive or red skin?

Our skin’s barriers may become compromised due to many reasons. A compromised barrier means that it is loosing too much water and is unable to fight of the normal daily aggressors that we all face. This can be anything from weather, heat, wind, cold, temperature changes going into and out of central heating, aircon, UV and free radical pollution. The skin has its own way of protecting your body, when the skins barrier is compromised the blood will rush to the surface in order to protect and repair itself, this puts extra stress on the capillary walls causing the capillaries to burst. Skin may become very dry and also result in pustles.

Sensitive skin can also be genetic or caused by hormones and in some cases caused by using harsh cosmetics on the skin.

There isn’t actually a known cure for true rosacea, however we can definitely learn how to cope with it, reduce it and maintain reduction.

If you are suffering with this, did you know that these things may be making it worse or causing the flare ups?

  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
  • Sitting near open fires or in saunas a lot
  • Wind
  • Spicy foods
  • Washing your face with hot water
  • Not exfoliating your skin
  • Not protecting your skin
  • Hormone changes

While we cannot control all of these, we can definitely be aware of them to help reduce flare ups and flushes.

Here at Jenny Cader Clinic we specialise in skin and have helped 100’s of people improve their skin with medical grade skin care and in clinic treatments. We are here to help educate our clients on how to look after their skin correctly to improve their skin’s health, in turn improving confidence and quality of life. 

A Treatment pathway for sensitive skin and Rosacea would be

  1. Reinforce cellular protection with L-ascorbic acid
  2. Strengthen capillary walls and manage bacteria with Piperonyl glucose and hinokitiol
  3. Rebuild hydrolipidic barrier with peptides and niacinamide
  4. Protect against UVA/UVB with Zinc Oxide

The reason we choose to work with medical grade skin care is because it works on a cellular level- working deeper into the skin then normal ‘off the shelf’ skin care cosmetics. This means that they are more potent and active in ingredients, actively making changes to the skin, backed by clinical studies and white papers. Off the shelf cosmetics only sit on the skins surface and while feeling nice initially, smelling or looking nice, they only sit on the skins surface not making any significant changes to the skin.

The word Chemical is often feared, it sounds scary and especially to those who’s are used to flare ups with their skin. Why on earth would we want to put chemicals onto our skin?!

Chemical Peels are a safe and effective way to help rebuild the skin. For our sensitive skin clients we mainly use lactic acid in our peels which is gentle and derived from milk. A chemical peel offers a deep exfoliation to the skin which will improve the cell turnover, removing the dead surface skin and encouraging newer skin cells to come to the surface. This process helps to repair the function of the skin, improves the skins quality, collagen production, hydration, radiance and strength of the barrier. So as crazy as it sounds to put a chemical on an already compromised barrier, it actually helps to repair and strengthen the skin.

So if this is you and you would like to know more, why not come in to see us for a skin consultation and we can discuss your specific skin concerns and goals together. Skin is our passion and we cannot wait to help more of you with your skin health.

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