Exciting news!!
Last week I had the most amazing few days, I went up to the main training academy for Nouveau Contour permanent cosmetics. Now as you may now know I have been qualified in semi permanent makeup for 4 years now and us as technicians never stop improving and learning along the way. I have continued to regularly go back to the academy each year to improve my standard of tattooing as each year the technology, training, techniques and products are ever growing. I like to try to keep on top of my game. Since qualifying in my Gold advanced techniques last year the next step up is Elite. I am now at the beginning of the next step to becoming a medical tattooist, so excited! So last week at the academy we learnt so much and I cannot wait to start helping people! Our training was called nipple and areola training. We learnt how to create a real looking aerola and nipple on a breast that has gone through breast reconstruction after breast cancer surgery, how to even nipples after reconstruction and augmentation, how to soften the appearance of scaring from surgery on the breast area and how to darken aerolas for cosmetic purposes. It was an amazing and emotional few days and I am so pleased that I have done it. We all know someone who has gone through surgery whether it be for cosmetic or cancer reasons, and being able to give someone back their confidence after a very long journey is incredible. We worked on fake breast moulds as seen in the picture below, then we did real women! These women were amazing and seeing how happy they were after the treatment made us all very emotional. I am now looking for a few models for carry out these procedures so if you reading this or you know someone who would benefit from this, do not hesitate to contact me, I cannot wait to help you. Love Jenny x